
The Almerigogna Palace

The Gothic period has a strong influence on Koper visible in the church, monastery and public building architecture. Among Gothic houses, the Almerifogna Palace stands out with its decorated facade.


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From Tito Square go down to Čevljarska Street. Take a small staircase and continue to descend towards a bigger staircase. At its end is Staničev Square, immediately on the left, providing the view of Almerigogna Palace.

The Almerigogna Palace is located in the compact medieval core of Koper, on Gortan Square. The Venetian Gothic Palace is one of the most important Gothic monuments in Koper. It has irregularly positioned axes on the facade, floors which cannot be easily defined and many windows of various sizes and at various heights as a result of connecting and merging the two earlier structures into one palace by decoratively painting the facade. The facade's unusual elongated shape was formed by joining earlier structures. The ground floor features more simple rectangular windows, while the first floor is adorned by typical Gothic trefoil windows. The entire facade was painted by cassettes containing floral motifs and trimmed in light colour. Unfortunately, most paintings have faded, the colour has been preserved only underneath the roof, where it was protected from bad weather. The facade was restored in 1969. The palace is privately owned and not opened for visitors.